Sum Sanos™
As a licensed Sum Sanos™ coach, I will teach you tools and techniques to loose weight and keep it off..
Sum Sanos is scientific and evidence-based coaching program for weight management. Habit based intervention coaching can be applied to support change in many areas of your life; smoking cessation, self-care, personal development, fitness, confidence and general well-being. Imagine being automatically disposed to wellness?
Are you ready for more enjoyment and achievement in your life?
Find out how you can learn the tools and techniques to shape your life in a way to mirrors your desires and values.
Sum Sanos™ is not about strenuous exercise, restrictive diets, challenges or pills.
The 12 month habit-based intervention program is underpinned by sound psychological principles of the Classic personal development coaching program.
Participants who have been on the program not only achieved weight loss and wellness outcomes—they have kept it off, years later! Plus, they report the program was both practical and enjoyable.